Variegataplanten verzorgen

Variegated plants care

A few years ago, the popularity of plants with variegated patterns increased extremely. Variegated plants in particular are still very much in demand and scarce. Currently, rare gems are still popping up, which the real plant collector would love to get his hands on. Of course, it is very cool to own such a special plant. But they are more difficult to care for than "normal" green plants. 

Special variegated plants are for example: Philodendron billietiae variegata, Monstera minima variegata, Monstera Thai Constellation, Aglaonema pictum tricolor, Syngonium aurea yellow variegated and Philodendron Jose Buono.

Where do I put a variegata?

A variegated plant likes to stand in a place with more indirect sunlight than the green variant. This has to do with the lack of chlorophyll in the leaves. This normally gives the leaves their strength and makes photosynthesis possible. Chlorophyll is a substance that gives the plant its green colour. 
Despite the fact that the plant likes to stand in a lighter light, because it has difficulty with photosynthesis, one should watch out for too bright indirect sunlight. The spotted parts are extremely sensitive to burning.

How do I water a variegated plant?

A variegated plant is a very sensitive plant, so attention should be paid to the way it is watered. A plant with green leaves is often much less sensitive to burning than a plant with variegated leaves. A drop of water in combination with (indirect) sunlight can easily cause burns or other damage. If the plant is watered or sprayed on its leaves, it is better not to do this when the plant is in bright indirect sunlight. Water droplets work like magnifying glasses. The variegated parts of the leaves are so sensitive and thin that they then quickly burn or become limp.

My plant has a completely white head!

Wanneer jouw variegataplant een witte kop krijgt staat hij vaak op een lichte plek. Helaas is een volledig witte kop niet alleen mooi, maar vooral schadelijk voor de gezondheid van de plant. Wij adviseren daarom ook altijd om dan de plant terug te knippen, zodat de plant weer groenere bladeren kan gaan maken. De groene delen in het blad zijn namelijk nodig voor de overleving van de plant en om voedingsstoffen op te nemen en om te zetten in energie.

The Monstera deliciosa variegata in particular often has a tendency to turn white when exposed to a lot of indirect light.

Variegata turns back to green

For plants whose leaves have a tendency to turn green again, we give the same advice as for a white head. Cut back to a part of the plant that still has variegation in it. This way the plant will tend to make beautiful variegated leaves more quickly.
Another tip is to put the plant in a lighter spot. This will give the plant the feeling that it has made enough chloroplasts and the variegated leaves will colour back into new leaves more quickly. The return to green can also happen because the plant is placed in a place that is too dark.

For the plant lovers with green fingers, we also have reverted cuttings. These cuttings can re-colour with the right care. If you are handy with plants, this might be a solution to score a cheaper, extremely rare plant!